I don’t know what makes a person who they are, but it definitely isn’t just what they’ve done in their careers. So, here’s how I’ve spent my time so far and a list of other subtly pretentious milestones:
- Born in sunny island Singapore
- Got good grades in school but no girls liked me
- Learnt to use Adobe Page Maker, Illustrator and Photoshop before I knew how to use PowerPoint and Excel
- Dreamt of becoming a Hollywood film director
- Directed a short film and won a national short-film competition as the only non-film-school student
- Bedroom guitarist
- Jumped above 4.50m in pole vault while training 4 times a week for 10 years but never made it to the Olympics
- Commander in the Army
- Moved to London with 2 big luggages on my own to study Finance at LSE, even though it was my first time in the UK
- Worked in the day, studied in the night, got interested and taught myself programming past midnights
- Got good grades again, but this time despite juggling two jobs on the side (asset management and venture cap)
- Bartended during summer breaks, was fun
- Survived almost a whole month on Huel during crunch time
- Was very lost in life and not gonna lie, felt like competency and ambition was a curse
- Younger siblings recently called me a “motherly figure”
- Inline skated 30km on my first try
- Still exercises at least 3 times a week till this day