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I believe in the need to read but am guilty of not reading as much as I'd like to. To change that, I started keeping a list of books that I've read since 2020.

I’ve marked titles that I particularly enjoyed with a 🥯️. Titles that I’ve started but never finished are in italics.

Books I've read since 2020 (in no particular order)

  • Sleep, Nick Littlehales 🥯️

  • User Story Mapping, Jeff Patton

  • Zero To One, Peter Thiel

  • Shoe Dog, Phil Knight 🥯️

  • Venture Deals, Feld Mendelson

  • The Black Swan, Nassim Nicholas Taleb

  • Deep Work, Cal Newport

  • The Formula, Albert-László Barabási 🥯️

  • Social Network Analysis For Startups, Maksim Tsvetovat

  • Mindf*ck, Christopher Wylie

  • The Man Who Solved The Market, Gregory Zuckerman

  • Before The Coffee Gets Cold, Toshikazu Kawaguchi 🥯️

Books I'll read someday
  • That Will Never Work, Marc Randolph

  • The Ride Of A Lifetime, Robert Iger

  • Promises I Can Keep: Why Poor Women Put Motherhood Before Marriage, Kathryn Edin

  • Continuous Discovery Habits: Discover Products that Create Customer Value and Business Value, Teresa Torres

  • A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire, Ogi Ogas

  • Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage, Alfred Lansing

  • LOVED: How to Rethink Marketing for Tech Products, Martina Lauchengco

  • Customer Success: How Innovative Companies Are Reducing Churn and Growing Recurring Revenue, Nick Mehta

  • Selling to Big Companies, Jill Konrath

  • An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management, Will Larson

  • Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants to Be, Steven Pressfield

  • Choice: Embrace the Possible, Edith Eva Eger

  • You're Not Listening : What You're Missing and Why It Matters, Kate Murphy

Blogs that I bookmarked
My "Watch Again" YouTube playlist
Imagine this as the DVDs section of my bookshelf at home.
  • Work in progress
